242 Gathering

Join us on Wednesdays for our 242 Gathering! A place to eat, learn, and grow!

2025 Spring Season (March-April)

Our 242 Gathering starts up again on March 12th. We are excited to be offering new classes and opportunities for people of all ages to engage in their faith and build relationships with each other. For details on these classes, see below!

As always, we will have supper together at 6:00 PM ($8/adult, $5/child (12 and under), or $25/family). After that, we will jump into the various classes, finishing everything by 7:30 PM. For information on the courses being offered, please see the information below.

If you are planning on coming for the first time, please let the office know of your attendance by the Tuesday before coming.


The 242 gathering brings people together to fellowship, learn, and grow over a great meal and engaging classes. We hope this is a chance for you and your family to spend an evening together where your faith will be challenged and your relationship with Jesus and others will grow deeper.

Don't forget that our grade school kids get to participate in the Rosewood Kids Praise group. This will be a chance for kids to grow, learn, and be discipled while learning musical skills.

Our 242 gatherings bring everyone together to pray, fellowship, eat, learn, and grow in our knowledge and understanding of God and His Word. We hope it is a place where you can come and grow and serve alongside others and have the chance to dive deep into your faith and God's mission for the world.

Each night we gather, we will have a catered meal. The meal will cost $8 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. It will cost a maximum of $25 per family (immediate family only). There will be a check-in table at the door where you can pay for your meal.

If you are joining us for the first time, email joel@rosewoodpark.ca to let us know you plan on coming.

Current Courses:

Adult Courses:

Together For Good Marriage Course

Together for Good is a video marriage workshop hosted by Neil and Sharol Josephson, the Vice Presidents of FamilyLife Global Resourcing. This set of five sessions gives couples tools, exercises and guided conversations to grow a healthier, more joy-filled and more resilient marriage.

Each session helps them move past differences and drift to a place of greater closeness and trust. Couples learn how to strengthen the foundation of their relationship in the important areas of communication, conflict, sex and spirituality. 

Care ministry Serving opportunity - Led by Shawna Sykes

This year at 242 we have a great serving opportunity for adults and teens to take part in. Our Care Ministry led by Shawna Sykes will be prepping and packing lunches for a nearby school. These lunches will be going to kids whose families are unable to pack a lunch for them. This is an incredibly practical way to bless our community and families who are in need. A portion of this time will also include packing up leftovers from the meal so that when others in need in our church or community require some food, we are able to have something to provide them.

Following Jesus: Who? What? Where? WHEN? Why? How? A Guided Journey Together.

Rev. Larry Hurst will be leading this guided conversation on what it means to follow Jesus and be one of his disciples.

Kids Programming

Nursery- for newborns up to 2 years old

Preschool/Kindergarten- Ages 2-5- Games, video teaching, crafts and Activities

Grade school Kids Praise Group (Grades 1-6):

Discipleship for children through music! This is an incredible opportunity not only to cultivate a love of praise in kids, but also to equip and encourage them mid-week to grow and stand firm in the truth of God's Word, all while developing well-rounded musical skills.