Kids Ministry at Rosewood Park Alliance Church
Our Children's ministry is a great way for kids to learn about God, the Bible, and faith in their own way.
We love having our kids (infant through grade 5) as a part of our services. Just before the sermon starts we dismiss our kids to join the children's ministry team to go learn and worship in our kids area.
Your first visit
Here's what to expect when visiting our Kids Ministry at Rosewood for the first time:
First, talk to one of the Greeters, Hosts, or Ushers and they will help show you where you can sign kids in as well as the kids' ministry area if you wish to see it. They will help answer any of your questions or direct you to one of our Children's Ministry Volunteers to help!
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information
(NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone)
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Child's name
- Child's birthdate
- Home address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children
This information is then added to our Church Database so that check-ins in the future are able to be done electronically at our kiosk.
How check-in works
Before the Service: You can check-in your child at the Kids Ministry Desk. After finding your child’s name in the database, you and your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching tag.
During the Service: Our children are an important part of our services. We love having them join us for worship, prayer, and scripture reading. As well as having them their to witness communion and baptisms. Once we get to the sermon we dismiss our kids to the Children's ministry area so they can learn in a way that is incredibly engaging to them!
After the Service: After the service is complete, parent can head to the children's area where you will be directed to the rooms your children are in. Simply show your tag to the ministry worker so the can match it to your child's tag. Be sure to ask your kids about all they learned and did that morning!
Have questions?
If you have further questions regarding Kids Ministry at Rosewood Park or if you plan on visiting Rosewood Park Church with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!