Hello Rosewood Park,
I would like to update you about some of the things happening at Rosewood that will affect you in several different ways.
You may remember in the summer we began to talk about the necessity of replacing the HVAC in the Church. The HVAC that supply classroom heat were replaced, and our attention turned to the sanctuary. Our initial investigation was for the purposes of air-conditioning, however, when we brought people to investigate, we discovered that our furnaces were both obsolete and in need of replacement. We investigated rebuilding the furnaces with new or good-
conditioned used components only to find out that they were so old that the components were not available. To add air conditioning, we would be unable to provide heat, and to provide heat, we would need to replace the furnaces in short order. We looked carefully at our options, and with the help of HVAC specialists, we chose to replace our furnaces earlier rather than later. This is because of an inflation challenge we are facing. We understand that if we purchased the HVAC now, we would pay one price. If we waited to purchase the HVAC in short order, we would be paying an inflated cost of an additional $14,000. The board weighed all these factors and agreed upon purchasing replacement HVAC with air conditioning today as opposed to waiting for our existing furnaces to be unusable. That decision was made with an eye towards finances, but also an eye towards the challenges of having to replace a
HVAC when they finally quit working, which will only happen when the furnaces try to ignite in the cold temperature.
If you look behind the church, you will notice our new HVAC systems. These HVAC systems are in the process of being hooked up, and you can anticipate nice comfortable heat in the winter and cool air in the summer.
The money for these HVAC comes out of our refresh fund. This is the fund that we utilize for larger repairs and updates to our building, not regular maintenance. This is an ongoing project that will continue throughout the building updating the building to represent our current and future requirements. I want to be clear on this, we have an ongoing need for updates that are not limited to the HVAC but rather include the bathrooms, lighting, the gymnasium, children’s rooms, sound, and lighting technologies, and that’s just inside the building.
I sat down with the elders several times as we discussed our different options. Each time we came to a conclusion it was clear to us that we needed to communicate two separate items.
- The first item was that we would need to pull together as a church to pay for these necessary updates through the refresh fund. To be clear, we are not asking for people to pay for furnaces, we are asking for people to participate in giving to the overall necessities of the church building through the ongoing refresh program.
- The second is for you to participate in a pledge. This pledge will be for the next nine months leading us up to our next AGM.
We are asking you through prayer to decide what amount of money you and your families can pledge to the refresh fund, in order to participate in these necessary changes. This is an offering or series of offerings over and above your regular tithes. We need you to continue to tithe in order for the church to continue its ministries and discipleship. This pledge is over and above your regular giving.
I would also like to talk to you about a pattern of giving that is necessary. In the scriptures, we hear about tithes and offerings. These separate topics are deeply important in your spiritual walk as a family, as a church family, we need to take this very seriously. I am asking you to prayerfully approach our saviour and ask what he would have you give. If you have a family that lives together, have this conversation together. What amount will you give over the next nine months? You can certainly give monthly, you can give a one-time check, you can give in whatever form you are comfortable with, but let’s as a family give together.
I approached the board and the staff with this information. Together, we each have come up with the number that our families will give towards the refresh program. Each family has pledged an amount. We are asking for pledges from your families in order that we can properly plan. While the senior leadership in this church is leading the way, it’s important for you to know that we cannot do this without you, and we are not asking anything of our family that we are not willing to do ourselves.
Thank you in advance Rev. Peter Ralph, Staff and Elders.