Frequently Asked Questions

Check this Q&A out to see if it helps answer your question!

Do we have to have a piano at home to practice on?

If your child is enrolled in the Junior Music Course or the Young Musicians Course, you will need a piano or keyboard instrument for practice at home. Please refer to the "Yamaha Course Descriptions" page for more details on the type of instrument you need.

If your child is enrolled in Music Wonderland, you are not required to have any instruments at home to practice on.

What am I supposed to do, as a parent, during the group lessons?

Your child will benefit from your encouragement, follow your lead as you participate along with us, and also benefit from your hands-on help for keyboard playing activities. Please don't hesitate to quietly speak with your child and help them out during the lesson.

What happens if we miss a group lesson?

If a student misses his/her group lesson, the instructor will contact the parent/guardian and provide the homework assignment that was missed. If consecutive lessons are missed, extra help sessions may be scheduled at the instructor's discretion. A fee will be charged for the extra help sessions. There will be no refunds for any missed group lessons by the student.

What happens if the School cancels a group lesson?

If the school cancels a lesson (e.g. due to instructor illness with no substitute, inclement weather), we may try reschedule the lesson for another date and time that works for everyone. If it is not possible to reschedule, students will be issued a tuition credit.

What if we decide to stop taking lessons?

Once classes begin, 2 weeks written notice is required to withdraw from a program. The 2-week period begins once the School office receives the written notice. If the notice is given on a lesson day, that week will not be included in the 2-week notice period. The tuition fee for the duration of the 2-week period will be charged whether lessons are taken or not. Informing the instructor of the intent to withdraw, or not attending classes, does not constitute withdrawal.